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Earth, inc.

The 4th floor of each Project VIE headquarters is responsible for the surrounding academies which teach permaculture in the broadest sense.


Each HQ is responsible for four academies which are operate via a quadrant model of labour distribution.


Upon completion of the initial training at HQ, individuals proceed to contribute labour to the academies in exchange for experiential learning.

(Full compensation details are on the 5th floor.)


The quadrant model is used to organise labour according to the classical elements which coincide with the modern categorisation of labour:


Air - cognitive / routine; (e.g. computation)

Fire - cognitive / non-routine; (e.g. storytelling) 

Earth - manual / routine; (e.g. farming)

Water - manual / non-routine; (e.g. fine art)


Each individual is expected to complete one year in each quadrant in order to gain adequate insight into how VIE works as a whole, after which they are free to specialise or continue a multi-disciplinary approach.

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"Earth, Inc." is VIE's heart centre which oversees the restoration and preservation of the earth's biomes and wildlife population.


Through the networked academies and centralised HQ structure, VIE is able to learn each region's strengths and weaknesses in order to cross-pollinate with its other locations and share resources accordingly.  


VIE's aim to be able to network between its locations employs a comprehensive roll-out strategy for global reach which is politically sensitive and considers local cultures.


As such, the first 9 locations for VIE's expansion have been chosen according to crop significance; suitability to the introduction of green energy; and reparations due.

"From futurism to nostalgia..."


People are naturally wary of systems-level thinking... But we exist within a system nonetheless!



The VIE model leaves nothing out and ensures that global efforts are able to: unfold in keeping with a cohesive ethos, (initially defined on the 3rd floor and further structured on the 7th); operate according to transferrable standards, (structured via the 2nd and finalised on the 5th); as well as evolve synergistically and in unison.


How each of the biomes is designed will be left to the regional population, allowing for the expression of local heritage as well as ensuring the long-term regeneration and conservation of endangered cultures. 


Each local population will be responsible for steering through the "Junto" modality and in receipt of the "Caremore Programme" and its "co-playing" practice as well as a basic social stipend / "UBI."


Individuals are permitted to move freely between headquarters as long as "HALO" hours are being contributed, thus facilitating travel and cultural exchange.


Labour contributions are based on ability as determined through the previous aspects of the model; there is a yearly minimum contribution from the age of 18 in order to continue the receipt of "UBI" into adulthood.

There is a lifetime upper limit of hours accrued as currency, as well as VIP tiers which can be unlocked. 


Those who wish to contribute above the minimum threshold are able to unlock "reward tiers;" accumulate legacy points; as well as store and invest their "HALO" hours in larger blocks which are spendable on the upper floors.  


Green technology and restoration projects are consolidated as "new investment portfolios" which are essentially the core 9 VIE locations, their academies, and linked tasks presented for investment. 

(More details of how the transition from the current economic system to the "HALO" app and "HEAVEN" OS can be found on the 5th and 6th floors respectively).


Crops such as coffee beans, rice, and sugar are prioritised for organic and sustainable farming. The VIE model allows for outside investment to see returns in traditional currency as well as matched crypto, while the regions responsible for running the HQ's and their academies are compensated in crypto alone. (See 5th).


Each of the 9 core headquarters (and their 36 academies) are bespoke to their local biomes, utilising a blend of green technologies according to geographical suitability and wildlife needs. 



We finally have the ability to design our system from an informed and intentional place...

So let's use our power to leave our fractured past behind. 


Our myths and archetypes are yet another resource which is both finite and shared.



The commonality and mixed roots amongst ancient traditions are obvious and their most basic function has long been to unite a people toward set behaviours and a shared calendar of activities, as well as passing down wisdom through cautionary tales and allegory. 


We will need to write new fables in order to pass down a healed, global culture to the next generations; this is where the multi-disciplinary approach of the academies factors in.​


Thanks to the "Junto" and "co-playing" methodologies, work within the regional biomes is able to flow smoothly and there is minimal conflict between individuals. Shared values are applied and tested via the academies. 


Individuals are able to apply themselves in equal parts toward physical labour, intellectual enquiry, emotional exploration, and spiritual self-expression (via the earth, air, water, and fire academies respectively).


Spaces are enriched by indigenous leadership and ancient heritages are restored and preserved.


Through this engagement of local heritage and in particular the "fire" academies, the reconnection with spiritual storytelling will allow for advancing our collective mythology - bringing it forward "from nostalgia to futurism."


Upon successful management of its primary objectives, Earth, Inc., also plans to reintroduce extinct species to their native biomes, (again in keeping with the ethics and legislature of the upper floors).


With full cooperation, VIE expects to reach this point by 2050, however appropriate generational handover is proactively designed through the ongoing process of informing a group narrative and collective mythos, (henceforth referred to as the "meta-narrative.")


Stories of how we were able to save the earth and ourselves in the brink of time will be passed down for ages; the global social contract, global cultural norms, and global practice we install through VIE will become legend.



Equal parts permaculture and futurism, we are sure to leave enough space for continual updates.



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